Psoriatic Arthritis?



Psoriatic Arthritis?


Answer a few questions and see if you may be eligible.

Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the investigational study medication in adults with moderate to severe psoriatic arthritis.

Who may participate in this study?

You may qualify for this research study, if the following applies to you:

  • You are at least 18 years old
  • You have moderate to severe psoriatic arthritis
  • You are currently experiencing psoriatic arthritis symptoms, which means you have pain or tenderness in at least 5 joints and swelling in at least 5 joints

There are other eligibility requirements. A final decision on whether this research study might be suitable for you will be made after you speak with the study doctor at the research site. The study doctor will explain the benefits and risks of participation in this research study.

Your next steps

  • Log in to your free and secure ClinLife account
  • See if the study may be suitable for you by completing an online questionnaire
  • Have your contact details and the questionnaire answers submitted to a participating study center
  • Be contacted by a participating study center for further information
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